Price Power - The Hidden Metric Bridging Marketing and Finance In boardrooms worldwide, marketers' comments are often overshadowed by finance colleagues.
The Difference Between Marketing Strategy and Advertising Tactics I realized I often use interchangeably (marketing) strategy with advertising (tactics). I
Compounding - The Most Powerful Force in the Universe In the marketing domain, there is a superpower so impressive that even
Navigating the 1st Year of the genAI Revolution in Marketing As I am about to "close the books" for 2023,
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity In the future, all creative marketing processes will be governed by AI.
Engineering Marketing - How Systems Engineering Can Boost Your Marketing Success When I started this blog, I dreamed of the day I would
Marketing The Truth About Marketing Science What is the meaning of Marketing Science? Is Marketing Art or Science?
Consumer Real People Don’t Think a Lot About Your Brand Your target consumer probably doesn’t think about your brands as often
Advertising Attention to Bad Advertising Is Declining at an Alarming Rate Yes, people pay much less attention to bad advertising than good advertising.