Gift More Energy to Your Consumers At the Expense of Your Marketing Bubble

Each week, I write about brands' place in people’s minds and hearts. Hmmm ... not a front seat by any means. People like to fill their brains with thoughts about their families, friends, holidays, pets etc...less so with your brand logo.

How is it then we came to believe the exact opposite? Could it be because we live in our comfortable marketing bubble? I am writing this post for my bubble. And sharing it in my bubble.

Know that spending more energy outside this bubble is what will make you more successful in marketing.

Outside the bubble are normal people.

Outside the bubble is your consumer.

She/He is the audience you so much want to pay attention to your messages, engage emotionally, and purchase your products.

Normal people do not read AdAge or MarketingWeek; ordinary people do not go to Cannes, nor listen to Scott Galloway’s latest Marketing Bubble Podcasts. For sure normal people do not read my blog or my LinkedIn feed.

Normal people do not discuss the virality effect of the Burger King mold ads. They rarely see these types of ads.

Normal people might know Kaepernick Nike’s work but do not discuss it endlessly. By no means model it as an act of courage from the company. They just see it as another message from the brand they sometimes or more often choose to purchase.

We spend our energy building our brands and our careers at the same time.

We try seducing consumers with our brand messages, but simultaneously show our worth in gold to our marketing tribe. Because this is what lands us that new role or promotion.

Time is a finite resource, but the more we spend chasing tribe fame, the less we have to focus on those we need to seduce more: our future brand users.

Just be aware of that trade-off.

Towards whom are you directing your energy today? The normal people or your marketing bubble?